Malaysia government
Sabah Crest

Official Website Of The Sabah State Archives Chief Minister's Department

Preserving the Proof, Safeguarding the Truth

What is public record ?

  • Public Record is the records obtained officially from or issued to any public offices while operating its official task. 

When is the record need to be existed?

  • A record needs to be existed as an evidence to any transaction performed be it events, order, result, consultation, or recommendation made while performing the official task.

Where do the records stored?

  • The records are government assets. Dur to that, the records need to be stored properly in a specific places like Registree Room for the active records, and Department Records Room for the semi-active and non-active records. Meanwhile the graded records are kept in the special locked cabinet or Armored Room.

What is it means by Records Administration?

  • Records Administration is a systematic record monitoring from the moment the records were existed until the demolition of the records. in other words, it covers the records administration for the entire life-cycle of the records. A record life-cycle begins as it existed and ended when it is demolished or destructed or relocated to the National Archive as a permanent saving

What is Records Demolition Schedule?

  • Records Demolition Schedule is a table used to identify the records which possess the archival values and need to be conserved and provide the permission for the records demolition which were left after the expiry date.

When it is for any government ministry/department/agency needs to perform records demolition?

Any government ministry/department/agency needs to perform records demolition when;

  • Action for the public record has terminated for a period of more than 5 years.
  • The agreed period of between the Head Director of National Archive and the Head of Public
  • Office Administrator has expired.
  • The physical condition of the records does not require it to be preserved.

What are the benefits of Record Administration?

Government Ministry/Department/Agency which practiced proper records administration will get the benefits of;

  • Be able to perform a task neatly, efficiently and effectively
  • Be able to provide a consistent and efficient service
  • Be capable of making policies and precise decisions with quality
  • Be able to save cost (space, equipment, and time)

What is Record Room?

Record room is a space where all the semi-active records are stored to enable usage, monitoring, and updating.

What are the services offered by Sabah State Archives?

Sabah State Archives offers records management services to Government Ministries / Departments / Agencies as follows:

  • Provide advice on Records Management.
  • Provide record evaluation services.
  • Approving the demolition of records.
  • Provide guidance on JPR preparation.
  • Provide guidance on the establishment of a Record Room / Agency Records Center
  • Provide record storage space for Ministries/Departments/Agencies.
  • Train Department Records Officers/Clerical Records Officers in Records Management.